Club Competitions- Sponsored by Carpetright

Our internal competitions are listed below. If you click on the competition name you'll see a page with the draw.

Gentlemen's Competitions
These are all knock-out competitions with play-by dates for each round. The captain has warned that these dates will be strictly enforced.
Open singles (no handicapping), 4 woods per end, first to 21 shots.

Salinger Cup Handicapped singles. 2021 handicaps are listed below. 4 woods, first to 21 shots plus handicap difference. So if for instance in 2021 Noel Barry played Kevin Dwyer, Kevin wouldn't win until he got to 32 shots.
Two Woods
Open singles, 2 woods, 21 ends.

Stockman Like the Championship, but only open to those who have never won a singles competition at any club.

100 Points Handicapped singles with different scoring: 4 points for the wood nearest the jack, 3 for the next, then 2, then 1. 4 woods, first to 100 points plus 5 times the handicap difference. Against Noel, Kevin would have had to get to 155 points.

Pairs Handicapped. You don't choose your partner - you get matched up at random. The handicap of the pair is the total of the two handicaps. The handicap difference is added to the score of the weaker pair at the start of the game. 4 woods, 21 ends.

Ladies Competitions
These are all knock-out competitions with play-by dates for each round.

Championship Open singles (no handicapping), 4 woods per end, first to 21 shots.

Two Woods Open singles, 2 woods, 21 ends

100 Points Handicapped singles with different scoring: 4 points for the wood nearest the jack, 3 for the next, then 2, then 1. 4 woods, first to 100 points plus 5 times the handicap difference. Handicaps in 2021 are listed below.

Hilda Gibson (Junior) Like the Championship, but only open to those who have never won a singles competition at any club.

Handicapped. You don't choose your partner - you get matched up at random.The handicap of the pair is the total of the two handicaps. The handicap difference is added to the score of the weaker pair at the start of the game. 4 woods, 21 ends.

Mixed Competitions

Open Singles Like the Championships, but open to both men and ladies. New in 2019.

Senior Singles Like the Championships, but only open to those who were over 55 years old on 1st April.

Pairs Knockout, handicapped. Like the Gentleman's & Ladies pairs, but the ladies get to choose their partner.

Over 55s Pairs Popular competition in league format. Click the link for rules and last year's results.

Presidents Cup Sociable one-day event, lots of people turn up and get organised into triples. You play against as many other triples as can be arranged.

Joe Chapman Trophy Knock-out triples, handicapped. You choose your triple.

Short Jack/Long Jack Another sociable one-day event, testing your skill at drawing to the different lengths. Best lady gets the Penny Illingworth Trophy, best man gets the Fred Collins Trophy.

Finals 2021

Winners Runners-up
Men's Competitions
Mens Championship
Richard Reid Matt Hyde
Mens Two-Woods John McGuinness Tim Jones
Mens 100 points
Frank Register Cup
Tony Holden Stuart Campbell
Mens Salinger Cup Duncan Gauld David Grieve
Mens Junior
Stockman Cup
Noel Barry Stuart Campbell
Mens Pairs
Robert Brown Cup
Simon Lowe & Stephen McAlister Noel Barry & Simon Cobb
Ladies Competitions
Ladies Championship
J Lilly Cup
Julie Skelly Margaret Poole
Ladies 2 woods
Grace Butterworth Trophy
Denise Newport Margaret Poole
Ladies 100 points Janice Welsh Gill Young
Ladies Junior Sharon Hall Diana Waite
Ladies Pairs
Sally Lilly Cup
Katie Reid & Fran Wilson
Sally Blackden & Denise Newport
Mixed Competitions
Open Singles
Denis Ward Cup
George Reid Michael Gomme
Senior Singles Stephen McAlister David Grieve
Mixed Pairs
Harrison Cup
Denise Newport & Bob Doddington Katie Reid & Matt Hyde
The Men's Two-Woods (John McGuinness v Tim Jones) is still to play.

For 2019 results click here.

2021 Handicaps
Men Ladies
Gary Amer 7 Sally Blackden 2
Noel Barry 4 Birgitte Cochrane 0
Peter Bevins 8 Anna Diehl 0
Ben Blackden 3 Liz Grayshon 0
Stuart Campbell 3 Anne Green 6
Terry Clegg 3 Sharon Hall 4
Simon Cobb 8 Jessica Holdship 0
Ernie Cochrane 7 Elizabeth Howe 0
Chris Commons 7 Lynn Johnson 0
Barry Connell 3 Terri Keen 10
Bob Doddington 10 Margery Kennedy 6
Kevin Dwyer 15 Jo Lidgate 2
Derek Evans 7 Joyce Ludford 6
Norman Gardener 4 Maureen Merry 7
Michael Gomme 15 Denise Newport 7
Duncan Gould 10 Margaret Poole 9
David Grieve 9 Mary Price 10
David Hall 9 Katie Reid 7
Tony Holden 8 Janice Russell 5
Patrick Howe 2 Julie Skelly 10
Matt Hyde 15 Mary Smith 10
Patrick Johnson 8 Emma Thayer 0
Simon Lowe 7 Diana Waite 0
Stephen McAlister 12 Helen Walters 0
Frank McCartney 5 Janice Welsh 7
Tom McGuinness 15 Fran Wilson 4
Robin Moody 3 Gillian Young 7
Keith Patrick 12

Dave Ross 15

Hugh Russell 7

Roger Sheehy 7

Jerry Smith 3

Chas Stapleton 8

Ray Waite 3

Tony Wallington 3

Terry Webb 7

Andrew Whitehurst 3

Keith Young 9

Club Competition Winners - 2021

Men's Champion
Richard Reid
Ladies Champion
Julie Skelly
John2wood Denise
Men's Two Woods
John McGuinness
Ladies Two Woods
Denise Newport
Ladies 100 points
Men's 100 Points
Tony Holden
Ladies 100 Points
Janice Welsh
Mens Junior
Ladies Junior
Stockman Cup
Noel Barry
Ladies Junior
Sharon Hall
Mens Pairs
Ladies Pairs
Men's Pairs
Stephen McAlister & Simon Lowe
Ladies Pairs
Katie Reid & Fran Wilson
Open Singles
Senior Singles
Open Singles
George Reid
Senior Singles
Stephen McAlister
Mixed pairs
Mixed Pairs
Denise Newport & Bob Doddington
Duncan Gauld