Information for GXBC Members

Want to practice by yourself?

Green Times
Are from 11.0am to dusk on every day except when green maintenance delays access to the green, any green maintenance after 11.0am will be scheduled in the rink booking diary.

More fun with other people: 

With Other Club members:

Monday and Thursday afternoons from 2.0pm are normally reserved for friendly roll-ups at which members make up into teams of triples as and when sufficient players arrive.
Friday night roll-ups commence at 5.0pm and new members are particularly welcome to bowl from 5.0pm and take part in the after-match socialising which usually includes a fish and chip supper. Dress Code is smart casual.

Internal Matches
Members of all skill levels are encouraged to play in our occasional weekend intra club matches. A form will go up on the Captain's board outside the clubhouse for you to write your name down. Generally, all those wishing to play are accommodated. Because they are at weekends, we wear "white" - club or white shirt, white below the waist.

Club Competitions
There are open and handicapped competitions, so anyone can enter. Entry forms are sent out with the Subscription Renewal forms in March and the draws for each event are posted on the internal notice boards and on the website. Handicaps are assigned to everybody before the competitions start and are displayed on the internal notice boards and published on the website. Click the link in the menu above for more information. Normally played on weekdays, so we wear "grey" - club or white shirt, grey or Bowls England blue below the waist.

Against Other Clubs

Friendly matches
All members are encouraged to play in the games listed in the Fixtures List - there is a mens', ladies’ or mixed match most weeks. They are an opportunity for new bowlers to step up from the roll-ups to something more competitive but still friendly. Keep an eye on the Captain's notice board outside the clubhouse for the "application to play" forms, and put your name down if you can make the date and time. The teams are posted on the same notice board at the start of the week the matches are due to be played. Dress for weekday matches is "grey", at weekends it is "white".

Bucks League matches for men and women are played on a Wednesday night, and Chiltern and Thames League mixed triples matches are played midweek. Notices go up on the Captain's board early in the season asking who wants to play. You can see information about the various teams under the 'County Comps' tab in the top menu. The teams vary in quality, and there is usually a team for newish bowlers - in 2020 it will be the Maltmans team.

County & National Competitions
There is a wide variety of County Competitions for men & women. Applications are at the end of the season for the following year. Notices are posted in the changing rooms for members to put their names down. In most competitions the winners and runners-up at the County level go on to compete in the nationals at Leamington in August. See the National Comps/Individual tab in the menu above to see who has entered for the coming year, and how they are doing once the matches have started.

Bowls Rules and Etiquette

There is an exhaustive list of rules of the game here, and a simpler summary with a glossary of terms here

There is an etiquette summary here.

New Club Shirt Design
Shirt Design Deecember 2021

The shirt looks best with navy blue below the waist.

You can order them by emailing Giles at with your shirt size. This supplier tends to make the shirts quite tight, so if in doubt go a size up. Men's sizes "Small", "Medium" etc and women's are numbers 8,10,...

We also supply matching showerproof jackets, waterproof jackets (with hood), and gilets and hoodies. The jacket sizes are not small - a bit big in fact.

Clothes prices as of August 2022 are:
Shirt £35
Showerproof Jacket £45
Waterproof jacket £60
Hoodie (no zip) £40
Gilet £40

GXBC Merchandise

Proud to show off our club

Clubbadge1 Clubtie Fridgemagnet Clubmug ClubEnamelbadge1
GXBC Blazer badge - £5 GXBC Tie - £10 GXBC Fridge Magnet GXBC Mug - £5.00 GXBC Enamel Badge - £5

Current membership charges are here.

Club Draw 2022

Monthly Draw £40 £35 £30 £25 £25
Sat. 11 June - Open Day No. 73
David Grieve
No. 6
Maureen Merry
No. 64
Pauline Knapp
No. 40
Ed Poole

Fri. 15 July - Malaysian Team Visit No. 71
Frank McCartney
No. 11
Ray Waite
No. 28
David Hall
No. 76
Margaret Poole
No. 23
Giles Brisbourne
Friday 19 August - Roll Up No. 35
Kirk Smith
No. 79
David Thomson
No. 69
Frank McCartney
No. 21
Simon Cobb

Thurs. 15 Sept. - Ladies Capt. v Vice No. 41
Jo Lidgate
No. 55
David Thomson
No. 67
Ben Blackden
No. 75
Lesley Calhoun
No. 85
David Hall
Sat. 24 Sept - Finals Weekend No. 43
Ray Waite
No. 70
Frank McCartney
No. 18
Margery Kennedy
No. 5
Donna Barry

List of Entrants:

No. Forename Surname
No. Forename Surname
83 Brian Barker
36 Terri Keen
37 Noel Barry
72 Terri Keen
5 Donna Barry
54 Margery Kennedy
17 Peter Bevins
18 Margery Kennedy
16 Sally Blackden
64 Pauline Knapp
62 Sally Blackden
26 Pauline Knapp
67 Ben Blackden
39 David Lidgate
66 Ben Blackden
41 Jo Lidgate
23 Giles Brisbourne
34 Simon Lowe
48 Giles Brisbourne
13 Joyce Ludford
75 Lesley Calhoun
81 Stephen McAlister
25 Stuart Campbell
71 Frank McCartney
21 Simon Cobb
70 Frank McCartney
51 Ernie Cochrane
69 Frank McCartney
15 Christine Cornwell
20 Frank McCartney
4 Christine Cornwell
46 Jeff Medlock
78 Christine Cornwell
6 Maureen Merry
3 Neil Flynn
12 Anne Moon
31 Neil Flynn
60 Anne Moon
44 Neil Flynn
38 Shirley Murrell
65 Neil Flynn
33 Vinny Payne
10 Neil Flynn
40 Ed Poole
57 Neil Flynn
76 Margaret Poole
24 Peter Fountain
77 Paul Rayner
45 Peter Fountain
2 Lisa Reid
82 Norman Gardner
53 Richard Reid
29 Duncan Gauld
59 Hugh Russell
1 Robert Gill
89 Hugh Russell
56 Michael Gomme
32 David Simpson
22 Michael Gomme
80 David Simpson
74 Anne Green
9 David Simpson
73 David Grieve
35 Kirk Smith
30 David Grieve
63 Mary Smith
49 David Hall
68 David Thomson
28 David Hall
79 David Thomson
47 David Hall
55 David Thomson
14 David Hall
58 David Thomson
85 David Hall
61 Ray Waite
86 David Hall
43 Ray Waite
87 David Hall
11 Ray Waite
88 David Hall
84 Ray Waite
27 Pat Holden
19 Scott Watterson
8 Pat Holden
52 Janice Welsh
42 Tony Holden
50 Janice Welsh
7 Patrick Johnson


We use the MyClubhouse system for administration. It can only be accessed by members, using their usernames and passwords, so members can safely share their contact details with each other.

Members' Log on is here Click where it says 'Sign In' at the top right-hand corner (if you are using a phone you'll need to turn it to landscape or tap the at the top right). If you have forgotten your username or password, click Forgotten your username/password and you will receive reminder/reset e mails. If you are still having trouble  then please send an email to Giles at

For instructions on how to use the system, click on the relevant link below.

Renewing subscriptions, booking lockers, entering the club draw.

Booking Rinks.

Entering Club Competitions.

Editing/Updating your personal details.

Sharing your contact details with other members.

Looking up other members' contact details.

AGM 2021

 We had a quorum. Proposals passed as follows:


1. Opening of the Meeting by the President.

2. Apologies for absence.

3. To approve Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on-line at 11 a.m. on Sunday 15th November 2020. - Approved

4. President’s Speech

5. Secretary's Report on the management of the Club’s affairs.

6. Captains’ Reports

7. Presentation of Accounts and Treasurer’s Report on the financial position of the Club.

 - Approved

8. It is proposed that Janice Welsh and John McGuinness are appointed Trustees of Gerrards Cross Bowling Club - Approved

9. It is proposed that the rules are changed to allow money to be paid from the club accounts by bank transfer: - Approved

10. Proposal to change the fees structure for junior members:

Replace the current system (Under 16 £10, 17 – 20 £25, 21 and over £135)

with the following: Under 18: £10, 8 – 21: £25, 22-25: £50, 26 and over £135 - Amendment proposed as follows: Under 18: Free; 18-25: £25; Over 25: £135. Amendment carried.

11. Proposal to reduce the quorum required at an AGM or EGM from one third of full members to one fifth. Approval for capital spend to remain at 75% of full members present.- Approved

12. Proposal to build equipment storage sheds and associated infrastructure between our green and the tennis club at an approximate cost of £25,000- Approved

13. Proposal to change the design of the club shirt - Defeated. A sub-committee was formed to determine the new design, consisting of John McGuinness, Keith Young, Tim Jones

14. Election of the President - David Hall elected

15. Election of Management Committee - All nominees elected. Anne Green elected as ladies' Secretary.

16. To elect the Honorary Auditor/Examiner - Peter Fountain appointed

Become a Bowls Coach

We encourage our members to train to be Bowls coaches.

We'll give you the details of available courses when we have them.

Rules & Things

Our rules for safeguarding against Covid infection are here
Club Rules cover the important and bureaucratic stuff. They can only be changed by an AGM.
Minutes of the last AGM are here.
Byelaws are more about day-to-day running of the club, and the club committee can change them when necessary.
Our current price list is here
Our Safeguarding and Child protection policy is here
Our privacy policy - what we do with the data we have about you - is here


The membership renewal form is here.

The current Membership Application form is here.
There's a history of the club here.

Social Events

Pics from social events are here.