Roll-Ups & Stuff
Want to practice by yourself?
Green Times
Are from 11.0am to dusk on every day except when green maintenance delays access to the green, any green maintenance after 11.0am
will be scheduled in the rink booking diary.
More fun with other people:
With Other Club members:
Monday and Thursday afternoons from 2.0pm are normally reserved
for friendly roll-ups at which members make up into teams of
triples as and when sufficient players arrive.
Friday night roll-ups commence at 5.0pm and new members are
particularly welcome to bowl from 5.0pm and take part in the
after-match socialising which usually includes a fish and chip
supper. Dress Code is smart casual.
Internal Matches
Members of all skill levels are encouraged to play in our
occasional weekend intra club matches. A form will go up on the
Captain's board outside the clubhouse for you to write your name
down. Generally, all those wishing to play are accommodated.
Because they are at weekends, we wear "white" - club or white
shirt, white below the waist.
Club Competitions
There are open and handicapped competitions, so anyone can enter.
Entry forms are sent out with the Subscription Renewal forms in
March and the draws for each event are posted on the internal
notice boards and on the website. Handicaps are assigned to
everybody before the competitions start and are displayed on the
internal notice boards and published on the website. Click the
link in the menu above for more information. Normally played on
weekdays, so we wear "grey" - club or white shirt, grey or Bowls
England blue below the waist.