What is going on with the club uniform?


We agreed at the last AGM that we'd consider new shirt designs.
Nobody talked about what the new design might be, but my guess is that it will look more like this:

And less like this:

Also the material will probably be better.

In any case we'll talk about the designs at the next AGM before any decision is made.

The last AGM agreed that the club would pay half the cost of a new shirt to anyone who had bought a shirt in the current style.

Will we all have to buy new shirts?
Well, sooner or later we'll want to all be in the same shirts for a match, so if you want to play in matches then yes, you'll buy a new shirt.


Bowls England have started selling blue shorts (as well as lots of other clothes).


They look a lot better on our guys than they do on this bloke, and so we got approval to use them as club uniform.

Some of our members started wearing them in National Competitions - which they were entitled to do; and occasionally in Club Comps, which strictly speaking they shouldn't have done, but they will be allowed to do so in future because of the AGM decision.

Can anyone wear them?

Yes, of course, but a team must all wear the same colour.

What about long trousers?

Trousers are also allowed, as are cut-offs, provided they are in the same Bowls England blue.

Do they replace grey and white?

Yes. In theory in the long run we may only need one pair of bowls trousers for matches.

Can we wear them in all competitions?

No. The competition organisers dictate what is allowed, and at the moment most of them specify grey or white. But where Bowls England leads, the rest will probably eventually follow.

Do I have to buy them from Bowls England?

No, provided the colour is a very good match.

Will we eventually all wear blue below the waist for all matches?

My personal guess - "Yes, but don't hold your breath"

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